Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I Don't Care About Global Warming

I don’t care that much about global warming; really.  The funny thing is that I seem to hear more about global warming from conservatives than from liberals.  Maybe that’s just because I’m around more conservatives than liberals; I do live in Arizona after all.  I usually hear about global warming in the context that we should mine more coal, drill for more oil and gas, and build more fossil fuel power plants because global warming is a bunch of bull.  OK, let’s try an informal poll.  Raise your hand if you wouldn’t mind having a power plant’s exhaust coming up from your neighbor’s yard.  I didn’t think I’d see any hands.  So, as a person with asthma, I’d just like to say that unless you’re willing to suck on the exhaust of a fossil fuel power plant, quit arguing that we should build more of them just because global warming doesn’t exist